Gay furry porn game itch

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Perhaps we should all just watch Yuri On Ice in those tiring times. I even went to talk to YOA fanzine artists Krayonela to solve this mystery, and they just told me the show was nice, 'a light kind of series focused on love and self-acceptance'. Sadly I have no answers to offer on the specific mystery of why artists on Itch seem quietly fixated on an anime about ice skating. In fact there are a lot about Yuri On Ice. Browse the comics section of Itch with the mature filter turned off and you'll get quickly overwhelmed by smut in all shapes and (ahem) sizes, from steamy furry sex to homoerotic fanzines about Yuri On Ice (technically Yuri!!! On Ice).

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But why would artists choose to host their comics on a videogames website? And what kind of comics are they putting there? It might surprise you to find out, though, that Itch's selection is not only limited to games: the website also offers a wide range of tabletop games, books, music, game assets and - guess what - comics. is a lovely indie games marketplace, where you can find everything from the latest indie darlings to the weirdest game jam experiments. This month, Giada explores the comics section of indie games marketplace A Panel Shaped Screen is a monthly column where Giada Zavarise explores how comics and videogames inspire each other.

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