Richie for gay massage atlanta

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Related: The gay sex guide to condoms Anal cum play: felching and ‘taking loads’ Cinnamon and pineapple are both believed to make it taste better too. We’ve covered the safer sex bit already, so we’ll launch straight into anal cum play.Hell yes I did! I was 16 and found this college guy on Adam4Adam or maybe it was Manhunt.

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My parents were away for the weekend and I desperately wanted to hookup with a guy for the first time. I lied to him and the site when I claimed to be 18. He had a big thick dick, lucky me! I can still remember his scent and could smell him the rest of the day after he left my house.

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I think I only let one spirt go in my mouth before he finished off the rest on his chest.

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I killed the mood after he came and I admitted to being 16, but he eventually hit me up again for anther blow job at his place a week later.

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